Member-only story
Nobody Knows Anything
We’re all just guessing, more or less.
After passing my 40th birthday, I became very much aware of how fast time flies and how short life can be. As children, we imagine an eternity in front of us, looking at the old folks with admiration for their knowledge and wisdom.
But now, I’m beginning to doubt all that. Time is very much limited, both on a daily basis and in the long run.
Daily, each of us has to manage a myriad of survival chores, most of them completely routine work that takes up the bulk of our time. Even if you eat out, you still have to take time to put food in your mouth, dress, and pay at least some attention to laundry and garbage. Furthermore, no matter what you do for a job, it will turn into a mindless routine over time, at least in some aspects.
Plus, relationships, families, friends, gossip…
For most people, the majority of the day is just that; stuff that we have to do, and we do it on autopilot. Not much time is spent on reflection.
Which means that even less time is left for actual learning and figuring stuff out.
Now, I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time in schools, and after that, I kept on reading and educating myself privately. I’ve read books that span from classical literature to history to…