No, no… I never claim H1 fully. I specifically say it is not deliberate. I worked for a few years in academia and I had a boss who was EXACTLY like that. It made him very charismatic and it was the reason I decided to work for him. But once I did my homework and was able to understand his theories for myself, I felt kinda cheated. I was like “Dude, this is actually simple, why such theatre?” Of course, I never had the balls to say that to his face, but my attitude changed and fast forward two years later, the University had to let me go because “they love me, but lack funds for extra staff.” To be honest, our disagreements were on a much deeper level, but this episode made me sensible for the way academics think. Especially in non-STEM fields which are hard to verify and prone to be colored with personal opinions. It is much harder to bullshit in math or physics, but very easy in humanist sciences and philosophy.
H2, also not true. I state at the beginning that I admire his speaking skills.