I think the reason we end up in these endless debates is that the questions we are asking are wrong. "Does it feel, does it have consciousness, etc..." There are too many borderline cases, but even if there weren't, it is still not the right direction. Thus it misses the point.
We have to recognise that killing and eating is a natural part of life. It is the way biosphere works. A huge part of veganism is in denial about that. No organism would think twice about killing another to survive.
In is in my opinion much better way to ask "Is this way of eating or producing food respectful (to Life as a process)?" Does it recognise that we are only a small part of the biosphere and that we can't take more than absolutely necessary?
I am a plant-based eater too (somehow I avoid using the word vegan), I grow my own vegetable garden, but every time I work on it, I try to remind myself, that I don't actually own those plants. They are a separate life form. I try to be as respectful as possible and only take as much as I plan to eat that day. But I do take them out.